is a new link shortening service with a twist. The difference between and any of the countless others is that you get paid for each click.
Earn more than $4.00 / 1000 visitors to your links.Get tiny URLs, great for when text space is limited.All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups.Real-time statistics with revenue breakdown.Refer users and get a massive 20% commission.Many tools - Mass Shrinker, Easy Link, API.
Easy-to-reach $5.00 minimum payout.
Supports Paypal,Alertpay.
So, join right now and start earning money. and any of the countless others is that you get paid for each click.
Earn more than $4.00 / 1000 visitors to your links.Get tiny URLs, great for when text space is limited.All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups.Real-time statistics with revenue breakdown.Refer users and get a massive 20% commission.Many tools - Mass Shrinker, Easy Link, API.
Easy-to-reach $5.00 minimum payout.
Supports Paypal,Alertpay.
So, join right now and start earning money.
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